

what would you do if this was you...

The purpose of this thread is to enlighten you on what my homies and I would do in certain situations. It wont always be the politically correct way to resolve an issue and is other cases may not even be legal! But hey it will at least be entertaining....

> Woman Falls Trying to Get a picture of Beyonce - Photo posted in The Hip-Hop Spot | Sign in and leave a comment below!
> Woman Falls Trying to Get a picture of Beyonce - Photo posted in The Hip-Hop Spot | Sign in and leave a comment below!

-This lady busted her ass to get a pic of Beyonce....
-Gotta be embarrassed..Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- What do you do if this was you?

DProfessor: lie your ass off. Say hey B, you dropped something. What was she going to take a picture with, a cell phone? Your homeboy got the camera on her. Beyonce can't be that mean and not take a pic with an adoring fan. She played herself.

Ebizz: you aint saying nuthing but a word. I would have pulled a Beyonce in this situation... Get up and start dancing. Shiiid you already made a fool of your self by falling all hard like that so you might as well finish the job off with something even more janky.....

So after I fall like this
Im gone get up and do this

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