


All summer possibilities are a done deal folks. Put the shorts and tank tops away and pull them long sleeves from off shelves. Its time to transition into colder weather.....
Your whole thought process has to change up this time of year for a couple of reasons. We have holidays on the way that will hit back to back to back to back. What does this mean?
- For some of these occasions you have to buy GIFTS
and what does gifts mean?
- For some purchases you have to have MONEY and I know there are alot of people who pockets are hurting and need some financial love. But each year we all find a way to "pull it off" right?
And of course the winter weather. No more enjoyment of women in the itty bitty shorts and such. In St. Louis we get that unpredictable winter ishh. and what does that mean?
- Months of unpredictable weather conditions from black ice to sleet to snow to below freezing temperatures, in no particular order. And again lets not forget the possibilities of snow start to haunt us all winter.
On the other hand, the beauty of living in the midwest. You get the best and worse of all temperatures. But this is also a time to get close with the loved ones, friends, and family and enjoy each others company. So while in this transition period we can take a chance to enjoy the moment.

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