

Michael Vick played Sunday with two broken ribs


Michael Vick played Sunday with two broken ribs

It was only the second play of the game when a Cardinal's helmet crashed into two ofMichael Vick's(notes) ribs on Sunday. The helmet, as helmets are likely to do, broke Vick's ribs, but the quarterback kept the injury to himself and played the rest of the game.

A courageous act, certainly, but it's also fair to ask if Vick was really doing the Eagles any favors by staying out there. He consistently threw the ball high, and it wouldn't be unfair to assume that the injured ribs were a part of that. The Eagles might've been better off with Vince Young(notes) in the game.

Before we leave the subject of Vick's courage, though, look at this last pass that he threw yesterday. That ball is launched. And he did that with broken ribs, ones that continued to be battered all day long? Vick is superhuman, and that must've hurt like hell.

The Eagles' next game is against the Giants on Sunday night. It's just a wild guess, but considering that he was able to gut it out yesterday, and with the new high-tech, space-age, kevlar-lined, super-duper quarterback vests that are all the rage now, he'll probably just strap one of those bad boys on and give it a go. He might as well paint a target on it forJustin Tuck(notes).

my opinion on this matter........

....who cares this "Dream Team" was not hardly living up to the hype. Season has been a wrap for a few weeks now anyway.

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